Origen: Japon
Genero: Horror Punk
Sitio: http://www.balzac.jp/
Sello: Diwphalanx Records
Velocidad de reproducción: 128kbs
Décimo disco de la banda
01 The Shadows of daybreak I
02 (半狂乱) Distraction
03 Swallow the dark
04 だけど、そんな日々の中で僕は (Trad: Dakedo, Sonna Hibi-no Naka-de Boku-ha)
05. Momentary degeneration
06. Hurt
07. Paranoia
08. Frankensteins walk
09. Destruction = Construction (Bonus Track: Tomorrow Never Comes)
10. Justice, Pity and Hatred
11. The wolf howling wolf
12. Pray
13. The shadows of daybreak II
14. ---
15. ---
16. ---
17. 光なき世界 (Trad:World Without Light)
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